• 花篇印章02
  • 示範10
  • 花篇印章04
  • 示範32
  • IG_花篇印章011-01


Chapter of Flower Stamp 花篇印章

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Chapter of Flower Stamp 花篇印章

美麗的花朵能夠愉悅心情,芬芳的香氣能夠讓心靈放鬆,摘著一株花兒送給你,讓翻頁的書扉飄散著花香。 (此款為自黏印章,可以剪裁多餘橡皮,在自行黏合在實木上)



NO.01 / 花篇印章

NO.02 / 花篇印章

NO.03 / 花篇印章

NO.04 / 花篇印章


尺寸:4.2 x 6.9 cm / 2.4 x 6.9 cm




Chapter of Flower Stamp

Prettyflowers can give you a pleasant mood. Thefragrant can relax your mind.

Topick a flower to present to you, Sothat the scent of flower can be wafted from the flyleaf as you flip thepages. 


NO.01 / Chapter of Flower Stamp

NO.02 / Chapter of Flower Stamp

NO.03 / Chapter of Flower Stamp

NO.04 / Chapter of Flower Stamp

Size : 4.2 x 6.9 cm / 2.4 x 6.9 cm

Materials : Wood, rubber, and high resilience foam.

Quantity : Two for one set.

Note:The wood grain, pattern and color of eachcommodity may be different, subject tothe real object.